Feel strong and in control of your body again.

Online personal training for women who want to run, jump, and play again…leak free.



Your days of crossing your legs when you sneeze are over.  

From the moment that little line says “pregnant,” you imagine what having a baby will be like. You buy all the books, go to classes, and spend hours on Pinterest dreaming about designing the nursery. 

What you don’t imagine is how much your body will change. Or how difficult it might be to feel strong and in control of your core, bladder, and pelvic muscles after your bundle of joy arrives.

It can sneak up on you when you pick up your toddler and feel like your core and pelvic floor muscles aren’t doing the job.

Maybe your baby is leaving for college, and you’ve noticed that those annoying bladder issues are getting worse and worse every year. You hate buying that special underwear just in case you sneeze too hard.

You may never have been pregnant and still be experiencing many of the same issues. Incontinence can affect anyone, we all have pelvic floor muscles! Overly tight pelvic floor muscles (more common than you may think) can also cause symptoms that feel like a prolapse, again, you don’t need to have a child to experience this. And we all know that a sedentary lifestyle can greatly contribute to core weakness and all of the associated issues that can come with that (we’re looking at you low back pain!)

Here’s the good news no matter your stage in life…

pelvic floor recovery and core strengthening exercises can transform your body and help regain strength, control, and confidence. 


Feel at home at your core.

It’s easy to get frustrated and overwhelmed when your body doesn’t feel like “yours” anymore. You start to wonder if you’ll ever feel like you again…free to play with your kids, exercise, and leave the house without having every store’s bathroom mapped out.

Will it go away on its own as you age? Will it get worse if you get pregnant again?

Can I ease your mind a bit?  

This is a common experience for many women during their postpartum fitness journey.

Within a handful of weeks, your personalized exercise program will teach you how to:

  • Improve Pelvic floor function

  • Heal diastasis recti

  • Stabilize & strengthen your core

  • Build overall Fitness

…so you can do those jumping jacks at the gym, take that yoga class, and LOL with confidence.

Mom and baby

Hey There!  

Tonie Lough here.

I'm a certified personal trainer specializing in corrective exercises for women. Life's changes can impact your body, and I'm here to guide you through exercises that promote overall health, strength and recovery. While our experiences (pregnancy, stress, illness, injury, etc.) can offer us some unique challenges, they can also provide us with an amazing opportunity to address some long standing issues. My focus is on helping you achieve optimal physical well-being, whether or not you've experienced pregnancy.

Our bodies undergo transformations, and it's essential to address muscle, ligament, and joint health regardless of your pregnancy status. I offer guidance with empathy and expertise to reduce stress, retrain core muscles, and enhance pelvic floor strength. Whether you are recovering from illness or injury, if you're planning for pregnancy or navigating life postpartum, my goal is to help you regain energy and control over your body.

“I trained with Tonie during my last (of 4) pregnancies and was amazed at how it helped me develop the right core muscles for pushing during labor.

Tonie's training definitely made me strong and toned. I also feel that I have recovered post-delivery much quicker due to my strength and I really enjoyed the training she had been doing post-pregnancy.

Thank you, Tonie, I wish I had met you for my 3 others pregnancies!”


“Her patience, encouragement, knowledge and compassion have been paramount to my successful weight loss and regaining control over my health...I was tired all the time, had heart burn and felt uncomfortable in my own skin. It has been 9 months and I feel healthier and stronger than I ever imagined I could. Thank you Tonie!”

- DK

“You helped me isolate my core like never before.”

- AH

“Thank you so much for all the amazing care you have given me. You made me so much more aware of my body and wellness and I feel incredibly grateful for that.”

- CP


Areas of Specialty

  • Athlete with core strength

    Core Strength

    Build a strong foundation that will help the entire chain to work together for optimal function.

    A unique combination of exercises and sequencing encourages strength and healing for all conditions. We work with your deep core stabilizers, creating safety, support, and strength through the spine.

    If you spend a lot of time sitting at a desk or in a rocking chair, your core strength may begin to diminish. Learn how to build a super strong core to help support the body and ease aches and pains.

  • DIastasis recti healing

    Diastasis Recti

    Your body must stretch to make room for the baby. This is completely natural! In many cases, it will go back to its normal length-tension relationship post-pregnancy, but not always.

    Depending on genetics, number and spacing of pregnancies, health, and nutrition, there are many reasons for a Diastasis Recti not to close or restrengthen on its own.

    Anytime that weight gain out paces core strength, you can experience a diastasis, whether you have been pregnant or not.

    You’ll learn diastasis recti exercises to realign your posture and get your muscles back into their normal length-tension relationship to encourage natural healing.

  • Woman that has to go to go to the bathroom.

    Bladder Control

    When you can perform normal day-to-day activities without pushing against your pelvic floor as you exert yourself, you’re then able to work on strengthening the pelvic floor correctly.

    Whether you have a weak pelvic floor, or an over-tight pelvic floor (more common than you might think,) you can work to relax and contract the pelvic floor at will.

    We’ll work to safely incorporate the pelvic floor into our movement. We’ll also focus on regulating IAP (Intra-abdominal pressure).

Work With Me

At home online workout

DIY Video Series

For those that want an overview of the postpartum exercise program or want to work out at your own pace, start with my eBook and 8-week video series “Getting to the Core of Postpartum Fitness.”

Working out together.

Personalized 1:1 Program

Work with me 1:1 to make sure you’re doing the exercises correctly, develop a customized series of exercises, and learn how to integrate them into your daily life for long-term pelvic floor and core health.



You don’t have to wait to feel stronger.

Start feeling better right now! Download chapters 1-3 of my ebook Getting to the Core of Postpartum Fitness, and begin your journey to confidence.