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Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS) and Postpartum Recovery

Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS) is a therapeutic approach that focuses on the central nervous system's role in motor control and the development of functional movement patterns. It is particularly valuable for postpartum women who are looking to recover from the physical changes and challenges brought about by pregnancy and childbirth. In this blog post, we'll explore what DNS is and how it can be used in postpartum recovery.

Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS) is a treatment method that was developed by Professor Pavel Kolar, a Czech physiotherapist. DNS is rooted in the idea that humans are born with certain movement patterns hardwired into our central nervous system. Let’s take a closer look at what the principles of DNS are, and how you can use these movement patterns to get back to your life without those lingering postpartum issues!

Key Principles of DNS Include:

  1. Central Nervous System Control: DNS emphasizes the significance of the central nervous system in controlling and coordinating movement. By tapping into the body's natural movement patterns, DNS seeks to enhance motor control and stability. The amazing natural movement patterns are hardwired into our nervous systems. I sometimes say that we are “hacking” the system to get the greatest amount of strength in the most efficient and shortest amount of time.

  2. Developmental Kinesiology: DNS maintains that motor patterns develop in a predictable sequence from infancy to adulthood. These patterns are crucial in maintaining stability, mobility, and proper alignment. Watch how your baby is learning to move, to roll, to crawl. These are the patterns that are fairly predictable and have long ranging effects.

Using DNS in Postpartum Recovery

Postpartum recovery is a unique period that comes with a wide range of physical changes. DNS can be an effective tool in helping women journey through this phase, promoting recovery, and regaining their strength and functional movement. Here's how DNS can be used in postpartum recovery:

  1. Core Stability: DNS exercises begin by target the core, which is heavily affected during pregnancy and childbirth. These exercises help reestablish core strength, stability, and coordination, which are vital for everyday activities, such as lifting, carrying, and bending (think kids, toys, etc!)

  2. Pelvic Floor Health: DNS can aid in improving pelvic floor function, helping women recover from issues such as incontinence or prolapse that may arise during pregnancy or childbirth. DNS exercises can strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and promote proper coordination with the muscles above and below the pelvis.

  3. Postural Alignment: DNS techniques focus on restoring proper alignment and posture, which can definitely take a hit during pregnancy. Correcting postural issues can relieve pain and discomfort throughout the entire body and help with the recovery process.

  4. Breath Control: Proper breathing is essential for overall well-being. DNS teaches breathing techniques that can be used to enhance core stability and alleviate tension, especially in the upper body, back and neck.

  5. Movement Re-Education: DNS helps women regain their natural movement patterns, remember we “hack” the system by reteaching the muscles in the way they were first designed to learn. This can lead to more efficient, pain-free movement and speedy healing of the most common postpartum conditions - pelvic floor dysfunction, diastasis recti, prolapse and incontinence.

It's important to note that DNS should be supervised by a trained healthcare professional, such as a physical therapist or a DNS-certified practitioner. They can tailor the exercises to the individual's needs and monitor progress, ensuring that DNS is implemented safely and effectively.


Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS) is a valuable approach to postpartum recovery, focusing on reestablishing natural movement patterns and optimizing motor control. By addressing core stability, pelvic floor health, postural alignment, breath control, and movement re-education, DNS can help women regain their strength and function after pregnancy and childbirth. Working with a healthcare professional experienced in DNS is crucial to ensure that it's tailored to an individual's unique needs and goals for postpartum recovery. The eBook “Getting to the Core of Postpartum Fitness” is an 8-week corrective exercise, at-home program that integrates the DNS philosophy within the program. If you don’t have access to a professional with DNS experience, this may a good option!