Get Strong. Feel Capable. Be Confident.

Female personal trainer.

Core and pelvic floor issues are common…but they don’t have to be.

You don’t have to be worried about leaving the house, lifting your toddler, a random sneeze, or laughing (aka - living your life!)

When we work together one-on-one:

  • You’ll feel fully supported by a coach that specializes in core and pelvic floor recovery

  • You’ll feel comforted as I address your specific concerns with compassion and care

  • You’ll receive real-time feedback on your form and make adjustments to get results more quickly

  • With consistency, you’ll retrain your deep core and pelvic floor muscles to avoid future setbacks

  • Whether you’ve never been pregnant, were recently or if it’s been decades since you were pregnant the confidence and strength-building effects of this powerful work support you to live your full, vibrant life.

 The Process


Book a call with me to discuss your goals, symptoms and current strength/activity levels.

Based on your level of fitness and concerns, we’ll determine which package works best for your budget, time and needs.


During our (Zoom or Facebook Messenger Video) sessions together, we’ll begin to train your body to restore its natural, functional position and build dynamic core strength.

Each body is different. We’ll work closely to address any issues in real time.


As you become stronger and feel more control in your pelvic floor, we’ll reassess your specific goals and the improvements you’ve made to determine whether you might need more support, or if you’re ready to dive into that new exercise class or lift your toddler with confidence.

A Program As Unique as You.

Pregnancy is one of the most amazing experiences that the body can go through, offering some of the most unique challenges and changes in postpartum. No two people experience pregnancy and postpartum the same.

With the stress and craziness of our modern lifestyle, you certainly don’t need children or ever have been pregnant to experience pelvic floor dysfunction and core weakness.

When we work together 1:1, we’ll create a customized exercise and strength-building program that addresses your specific symptoms and goals.

We’ll meet for our sessions over Zoom where you’ll be gently and compassionately guided through breathing, posture, pelvic and core support exercises right from the comfort (and convenience) of your home.

 Personalized Training Packages

Select the package that will work best for you!

You can also schedule your Free Consult to discuss what would be the best option given your circumstances. Then, we’ll meet over Zoom or Facebook Messenger, no need to get a sitter (unless you want one!)

If you are local to the Portland/Hillsboro area, there are limited in-home session options. Reach out directly to inquire about this option.

Personal training showing proper posture.

Single Session $100

You may have been hearing a lot about the importance of posture and breathing recently (I’m so excited about this!) One hour-long session might be all that you need to answer questions about proper posture and breathing techniques, and how they apply to your workout.

Or, if you’ve purchased my 8-week at-home exercise program and ebook (“Getting to the Core of Postpartum Fitness”) you may just need an hour with me to make sure that you’re doing the exercises correctly and ask any questions you have about incorporating these exercises into your daily routine.

This one-time session might be just the thing to make sure you’re on the right track!

Mom playing confidently with child.

4 Session Pack $360

For those looking for a more customized approach while learning the basics of targeting your deep core stabilizers, this is the package for you!

We’ll address your unique requirements and target your specific core recovery and/or pelvic floor issues during each of our one-hour sessions together.

You’ll learn how to integrate these stress-reducing exercises, breathing, and posture changes into your daily life and practice making them life-long habits to feel strong and confident.

Happy family on the beach.

8 Session Pack $690

This package is ideal for woman that needs a little extra time to recover. If you’re experiencing multiple issues (diastasis, prolapse, bladder control, etc.) or if you’ve been experiencing the effects of these conditions for several years, this 8-session pack is for you.

Multiple issues and long-term symptoms require more time and care. We’ll continually reassess along your journey so you can say goodbye to these frustrating and embarrassing issues for good!

This is also a great option for those that are leaning more toward weight loss goals. We will work together to create new exercise habits and routines that can help you to achieve your weight loss goals while building a strong core and safely incorporating the pelvic floor muscles.

Strong mom playing with child.

12 Session Pack $980

Needing a bit more consistency? This package is great for the woman that has a few issues to work on and wants to have a little more time to make the strength stick and be able to address all of the issues!

Ideal for a once a week session that will keep you on task for 3 months. We will methodically go through each of the issues whether we are addressing diastasis recti, incontinence or core weakness.

With this package you see and feel the weight coming off (or rather the muscles building up!) and finish with a solid plan for long-term health and exercise routines.

Strong woman working out.

20 Session Pack $1500

Maybe it’s been a while since you have worked out, or you have several issues that have come up or been hanging around for years. You know it’s time to address the issues once and for all but also know that it may take a little while. No problem, this bigger package is made for you!

This is also a great option if you are looking to expedite the process and want 2-3 sessions a week, if this is you then this most affordable package is right up your alley!

After 20 sessions you are stronger, confident and feel like you have control of your body. You are ready to tackle the world. You have shown yourself that you can focus and blow those goals out of the water!

 Not sure where to begin?

Book a call to discuss your particular needs and goals.
Or, check out my at-home, 8-week exercise video and eBook program to start your journey at your pace.