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The Subtle Impact of Workout Clothing

As a certified postpartum corrective exercise specialist, I've had the privilege of working with many postpartum clients on their journey to regain strength, function and fitness after childbirth. One crucial aspect of postpartum fitness that often goes unnoticed is the choice of workout attire. In this blog post, I'll emphasize the importance of clothes with "give" and how overly tight sports bras and exercise pants can negatively impact breathing and overall physical and mental well-being during postpartum recovery.

The Impact of a Tight Sports Bra

During postpartum recovery, it's essential to pay attention to the details, including your choice of sports bras. Many new moms often opt for tight-fitting sports bras to provide additional support. However, wearing a sports bra that's too tight can cause constriction in the rib cage, affecting breathing.

Check out the sports bra in the image here. It’s a cute sports bra, don’t you think? I did, that’s why I bought it. But oh my goodness, there is just no “give” in the lower elastic…it’s not too small and the support is comfortable, but that lower elastic is killing me! The other day I noticed that I was feeling a bit anxious mid-day. There didn’t seem to be a good reason for it. I had been having a great morning with clients but in between sessions I felt like I couldn’t take a big breath. Then I realized that it was the band on my sports bra! I have heard other practitioners talk about clothing before but being someone that really doesn’t like or wear tight clothing, I rarely think about it. This reminded me real quick, to talk to my clients about this. Especially if you are wearing these sports bras all day long (and you know we do!)

When the rib cage is constricted like this, it can limit the expansion and contraction of the rib cage and diaphragm, which are vital for proper breathing. As a result, the breath may become shallow, and the diaphragm may not move as freely as it should. This can lead to a cascade of problems, including increased tension in the neck, shoulders and pelvic floor, and decreased oxygen intake during exercise. Just from a cute sports bra!

The Impact of Tight Yoga Pants

Similarly, overly tight yoga or exercise pants can also have a significant impact on your postpartum recovery. When these pants are too tight they can restrict breathing through the 360-degree core and pelvic floor, affecting the ability to engage these essential muscle groups effectively. When the core and pelvic floor cannot function optimally, it can lead to various issues, including pelvic floor dysfunction, muscle tightness throughout the body, and even mental/emotional problems associated with shallow breathing patterns, such as anxiety.

Where Does the Breath Go?

Really think about this question. When you wear clothes that are too tight, your breath has nowhere to go. In the case of a too-tight sports bra, the constriction in the rib cage can cause the breath to become shallow, with limited expansion of the diaphragm and the muscles above and below the sports bra. In the case of tight exercise pants, they can restrict the movement of the core and pelvic floor muscles, preventing them from working efficiently.

In cases of pelvic floor issues like prolapse and bladder leakage, the added pressure from restrictive clothing can exacerbate these problems. When the pelvic floor muscles are weak or already over tight themselves, the extra pressure from tight clothing and the associated breathing dysfunctions can worsen the condition and lead to discomfort and embarrassing situations.

The Importance of Mindful Clothing Choices

The clothes you choose for your postpartum workouts matter more than you might think. Opting for workout attire with "give" allows for better movement, deeper breathing, and improved engagement of total body core and pelvic floor muscles. This, in turn, can promote a healthier postpartum recovery and reduce the risk of physical issues associated with overly tight clothing.

So, the next time you're shopping for postpartum workout gear, prioritize comfort and functionality. Choose clothes that support your body's natural movement and allow for deep, unrestricted breathing. Or, at the very least, only wear the item for a short period of time and change into more comfortable clothing as soon as possible. Your body, mind, and overall well-being will thank you for it as you continue your postpartum fitness journey.